Awesome stuff, Coach - thanks! I do find the challenge of opponent breakdowns to find a signal in the noise that makes them predictive rather than only descriptive, especially when facing teams that vary their attack from week to week. And to not get bogged down in the data as you note!

Love the idea of reducing down a layer to sets to avoid getting lost in each formation iteration. For both sets and formation, do you tag pre- and post-motion? Obviously where the players are at the snap is the most important but I don't believe Hudl Assist tags the final position.

Also when you tag personnel, how do you think about player type vs pure formation? Ie in HS often TE is a wildcard and when grouped with 3 WRs / 1 RB, the same kid could be aligned as Y-on in 11, split out in 10 or in the backfield as a sniffer in 20.

Find your content incredibly valuable - thanks again!

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Quick motion, I just label it, but 'slow' motion I label the final formation. I label the motion with a number, so I can visualize the initial formation - Ex.: 2S Across 3.

Most HSs are 'all-11' so I just label the pers as what the formation looks like. If they have a TE, then I will label where he is in the 4-open looks. So 10p Gn Dbls (Y@2W). So the TE is the Slot away from the RB.

Glad you enjoy it Dan!

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Great stuff - thanks, Coach!

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Thanks, coach. I think there was something in this article for everybody, coach and fan alike!

Can you share what the two-letter acronyms mean under your Form category? I assume GS is Gun Split. But uncertain about TW and OP.

Also, how do you balance charting out an opponent’s philosophical base (Xs & Os) with time spent evaluating their players’ talent (Jimmy’s & Joes) and potential mismatches?

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Really appreciate!

Twin Open... I created shorthand because I did most of the data insertion.

The 'target' tab lets me understand where the ball is going. Of course, you are evaluating who is playing the positions. Blitz design I want to attack the weakest OL. Can we handle X with our CB in the passing game? Is the QB a runner? Does he look to pass the ball on scrambles, or does he eject? You should be asking all that stuff. Players > Plays.

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