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MatchQuarters DB 101: Defending a Fade with a Zone Turn

I break down a clip of Jets' CB DJ Reed vs. the Cowboys, which illustrates how to utilize a Zone Turn to cut off a Fade route.
Image: Mitchell Leff/Getty Images

» In this episode, I discuss:

  • Weak Rotation 3-Cross (Insert/Buzz)

  • Playing a Stutter route with direct flat help

  • DB techniques when playing off-zone coverage

  • Break down a clip from the Jets vs. Cowboys featuring Jets’ CB DJ Reed (#4)

» Get the Match Quarters book & go deeper into split-field coverages

Related Content:

» For quick clinics on topics discussed in the clinic, make sure to bookmark (& subscribe!) MatchQuarters DB 101 Playlist on MQ’s YouTube channel.


© 2024 MatchQuarters | Cody Alexander | All rights reserved.

Discussion about this podcast

Through video film breakdowns, I simplify complex concepts and use examples to visually reinforce the techniques and their application on game day.