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“Real experts have earned their expertise and are excited about trying to share what they know. They aren’t frustrated by your lack of understanding…”
What The Best Can Teach Us About Winning
“Usually I don't feel the pressure because I'm just having fun. All I've gotta do is be me. I constantly tell kids, be yourself. If people see me as being corny, shoot, I'm corny. Guess what? I'm winning while being corny.”
A powerful platform used on Microsoft® Visio & PowerPoint to allow football coaches to organize, format, and export Playbooks, Scout Cards, and Presentations efficiently.
“The biggest problem with a job is that no one tells you what to do.”
Inside James Cameron's Creative Mind
“…[Y]ou know now I look back on it and every single thing I learned at that time has paid off for me. How to drive a truck, you know, how to be a machinist, even being a high school janitor and scraping the gum off the off the bottom of the desks, you know, even that was something that I value now. It was something that I needed to go through.”
A Champion's Mind: Lessons from a Life in Tennis
“By putting pressure on myself to develop a great game, I had less pressure to win. These days, I tell kids that the way I grew up, it wasn't about winning. It was about playing well, about playing the ‘right’ way.”
© 2024 MatchQuarters | Cody Alexander | All rights reserved.